Our Work


Together, we’re breaking the cycle

Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education. We mobilize U.S. students to transform their communities through service learning and change the world by building schools in developing countries.

Education Is a Vital Human Right

We believe that the best way to eradicate poverty is to ensure that all people have access to a quality education. That’s why Birta Care Foundation partners with rural communities in developing countries, empowering local residents to build schools, enroll out-of-school children, and educate adult learners.

let's start something for them

No One Has Ever Become
Poor From Giving

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Help Change a Life

Youth Empowered by Service

Through our Service Learning Programs, students in some of America’s most under-resourced high schools are empowered to take on the most pressing issues in our communities through direct action. By helping seniors, the unhoused, and younger kids, Birta Care Foundation students learn to lead by first learning how to serve.

Building Constructive Leaders

The world is changing. And what it means to be a leader is changing, too. That’s why Birta Care Foundation empowers youth from some of America’s most under-resourced high schools to build solidarity through service and make the world a better place for all. We call this Constructive Leadership. Birta Care Foundation students are taught to lead, first by learning to serve, unleashing courage, resilience, empathy and a passion for the possible, to build solidarity.

Join your hand with us for a
better life and future